Friday, March 27, 2020

Chemistry Worksheet - How to Use Them Effectively

Chemistry Worksheet - How to Use Them EffectivelyDuring chemistry unit one is given a sheet of chemistry worksheets. The purpose of the worksheet is to get a basic understanding of chemical reactions and how these are structured. What you should do is understand how the worksheet is going to work. Read on to learn about how the worksheet will be used.Every chemistry worksheet is divided into three parts, organic chemistry, neutral chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry studies how chemicals react in the form of water and a living system. Neutral chemistry is the study of the reactions that take place in water.Inorganic chemistry is the study of the properties of materials, as they break down, disintegrate or decay. This science includes the study of all the elements' combination. Learn the element's composition and structure, so you can perform an analysis of the effects of the elements together with the other elements to determine what it is made of.A chemistry workshe et in organic chemistry is divided into three parts, organic analysis, organic synthesis and inorganic analysis. Organic analysis provides information on the properties of substances that are very different from a mixture. Inorganic analysis study the properties of materials which are similar to a mixture. All three areas are vital when it comes to chemistry and thus this worksheet should be designed with them in mind.When it comes to inorganic chemistry, there are four areas that need to be studied. These areas are solid materials, gaseous compounds, liquids and solids. Knowing the properties of these is essential for when you are conducting your studies of how elements react with each other.The last part of any chemistry unit is to check the answers. If any of the three parts do not make sense to you then there are guides on the internet for you to use. When you do these, do remember to print the answers on the paper so that you can easily look at them later.A good chemistry unit should teach you something new, let you do something that you would never have done before and be fun to do. It also should be flexible enough to accommodate your needs. Give it a try.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Goal Setting How to Set Goals for Going Back to School

Goal Setting How to Set Goals for Going Back to School The start of the new year brings an excellent opportunity to set new goals. Whilst many of us set goals regularly, we don't always think about the practice of setting goals effectively. We decided to take a look at the best ways you can set goals to ensure you can fulfil your goals successfully  this year!   Goal Setting It is important to start implementing goal setting at an early stage and as a parent, this could be a good time to reflect with your child on the previous year, and ask them what they have enjoyed or found difficult. This is an excellent way to encourage including your child's school curriculum into their goal setting and by doing so at an early stage in education helps encourage this behaviour. You can then try and agree some goals for the upcoming term! The Importance Benefits of Setting Goals Getting into the  practice of setting goals early encourages the opportunity for early wins. This can help to positively impact your child's self-belief by recognising their achievements through early life stages. This can also be applied outside of their education to help your child build their self confidence. There are many benefits of goal setting; providing motivation,   direction and focus your child.  These can then be applied children's decision making as helps build  purpose and for them take an active role in building their future. Steps to Successful Goal Setting There are several clear and simple ways to set your your students: Tailor a specific plan for each goal Make sure each goal is clear and measurable Stay on track by reflecting often on  each  goal Make revisions to the plan if you feel the are required Stay on track by reflecting often on each goal Celebrate small wins! Looking for more tips on getting prepped for the new school year? Top tutor Mark Maclaine has written a blog post with his  7 top tips  to make going back to school a little easier, from making an action plan to valuing student friendships!

Airport English Tips for Check-In, Security, Customs and more

Airport English Tips for Check-In, Security, Customs and more Flying is a stressful experience at the best of times, especially at the holiday season when airports are particularly busy. However, flying is even more stressful if you cannot understand what is being said to you or what exactly it is you need to do to get on your flight. Here is a quick guide to airport English to help you out.English Airport Check-in Questions:May I see your passport and ticket please?What is the country of your final destination?What is your country of residence?How many pieces of luggage do you have to be checked-in?Do you have hand luggage?Did you pack your luggage yourself or did somebody help you?Did you, at any point, leave your baggage unattended (by itself)?Did anybody ask you to carry anything for them?(You might hear) Your luggage is over the permitted (allowed) weight, you will be required to pay a fine.Your luggage should be checked into the oversized (big or awkward) baggage section.What kind of seat would you like, window, aisle (by the corridor) or middle?Do you have any special eating requirements?We remind you that all mobile phones and laptops should be switched off during takeoff and landing.Thank you sir/madam, your gate number is __________.Your flight will be boarding at _____ am/pm.English Airport Security Questions:Can you put all personal belongings in the plastic container, please?Please remove your shoes and belt and place them in a separate container.You are not permitted to carry open food or drinks beyond this point.Excuse me, sir/madam, since you have set off the security alarm, we need to search you.Sorry sir but potentially dangerous items like knives and razors cannot be carried onto the plane. Can you please remove them from your hand luggage.Thank you for your co-operation, you can now proceed to your designated (given) gate.Airport Announcements in English:Flight _______ has been delayed. Please contact your carrier (airline) for further information.Flight _______ is now boarding at gate ______Can Mr/Ms/ Miss/Mrs ______ please report to desk ____ urgently.Flight _____ is now boarding. Would all passengers proceed to gate ____.Will Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs please report to the nearest airport telephone.Some Things You Might Hear If Your Flight Has Been Cancelled Or OverbookedSorry sir but your flight has been canceled (due to technical problems on the plane/ unfavorable weather).You can report to your carrier to change your ticket or we can put you on standby for the next available seat on a flight to your destination.There will be a complimentary lunch for passengers in the dining area. Please ask a member of airline staff for your lunch ticket.We will shuttle passengers who live at a distance from the airport to an adjacent (nearby) hotel.The airline wishes to apologize for any inconvenience caused by the flight disruption.Sorry, but we have double booked your seat. Can we upgrade you to first class?Pre-boarding and boarding announcementsGood morning/afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boa rding announcement for flight ____ to ____.We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to come forward and begin boarding first.Please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding.We are now boarding seats _________. Will passengers with those seats only please come forward.This is the final boarding call for flight ___________. Would all remaining passengers for this flight please report to gate _____.This is the final boarding call for passengers ______ booked on flight ____ to _____. Would this passenger proceed to gate _____ immediately.Ok, now that the stressful part is over (well, hopefully) relax and enjoy your flight. Here is some classic seasonal music to help you unwind after all that: Wham’s Last Christmas.Sign up for: Skype English Lessons| Aulas de Inglês | Clases de Inglés por Skype LOIEnglish I know! But it is so funny! Marcin Stanowski Well, thats a really comprehensive list of questions! I was looking for something like that. I will just have to record audio for that or have some of my friends record that for my students! Last Christmas? Why? it should be banned!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Who can be a Maths tutor

Who can be a Maths tutor A whole plethora of skills add up to make a good Maths tutor. The subject is a mixture of analysis, logic, mental agility and basic arithmetic skill, all of which are abilities which can easily be honed in very different professions. Much has been said in recent months about an expected rise in teaching post applications as city workers lose their jobs due to the recession. This could free up an unexpected wealth of talent for private Maths tuition as city workers, especially those from the financial district, will have most of the necessary skill sets to teach Mathematics. They have strong analytical minds and are able to provide first hand experience of how theoretical problems can be applied practically. Similarly engineers, another group to have suffered in the recent downturn, can bring a strong sense of practical application to a tutoring role. Other careers that can easily convert into an aptitude for Maths tutoring include those which have a strong arithmetic element woven in. Such jobs include accountancy and actuarial work. Their experience of Applied Mathematics can be a great bonus in helping to engage and motivate students. Then there are those with previous experience in teaching the subject, lecturers, teachers and classroom assistants, who have a strong educative background in a school or university environment. The crossover of skills is high, yet the new challenges and opportunities that arise from taking on private tuition can be highly appealing to many.

5 Campus Resources You Shouldnt Miss - TutorNerds

5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss - TutorNerds Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss Every college offers a ton of excellent campus resources. Unfortunately, many of them are underused. The transition from high school to college is challenging, and students generally rush from class to work or class to a party. Once it becomes a routine, its easy to forget about all the excellent things available outside the classroom. Things such as the Athletic Center, student transportation, the Career Center, the Academic Advising Center, and the Ombudsman are often brushed aside by busy students with busy schedules. However, these resources can make the college experience complete and can also make the post-collegiate experience easier and more productive give yourself an advantage with the help of a San Diego private college tutor from TutorNerds. 1 The Athletic Complex Many students think the Athletic Complex is reserved only for athletes. At most universities, this is not the case. Although the pool will be closed when the swim team is training and the weight room is reserved for the football team during practice, its usually available to all students at no extra cost during off times. Exercise is a great way to maintain physical health in general and reduce stress for busy students. Its also a great way to take a break during those multi-hour study sessions that will occur during midterms and finals week. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of their athletic complex to maintain health and happiness during their university experience (READ: Staying Focused At Community College). 2 Student Transportation Getting to campus is hard enough, and the majority of college students dont own a car but they may be walking and cycling more than they need to. Although exercise is good, rushing from class to class carrying heavy books may not be advantageous in climates with extreme weather. Many campuses offer a free trolley or bus that transports students from one part of campus to the other. Although there will be some wait time, students who want to get from their class to the student center two miles away, may find that a five-minute wait in line will get them there faster. On-campus transportation is rarely used but it can be a helpful way to navigate larger universities. 3 The Career Center Most students dont think about the Career Center until their senior year or even after graduation. In reality, its best to stop by the Career Center before committing to a major. Many students have an idea of what field or fields they might like to study but are unaware of the specifics. It’s important to know about potential salaries, the latest and greatest job search websites, what is expected during the application process for each field, how to create an online resume, and how to be resilient if the dream job situation doesnt work out right away. Every single college student should visit the Career Center at least once! 4 The Academic Advising Center Hopefully, students visit the Academic Advising Center here and there, but most students dont go as often as they should. Choosing classes to meet general education and major requirements is only the beginning of what the Academic Advising Center can provide. Their services can be used in conjunction with a Career Center and students can determine if they should add a minor, change their major, or even complete a double major. The Academic Advising Center will also help students determine if their GPA is on track for honors or undergraduate research opportunities that could lead them to graduate school. It’s recommended that students visit the Academic Advising Center at least once a semester (READ: 5 Signs You Need a College Math Tutor). 5 The Ombudsman Most students havent even heard of the Ombudsman, however they can provide an important resource if things on campus aren’t working out. The Ombudsman’s job is to provide conflict resolution and guidance between different academic departments, students and their peers, and students and their professors. Although students hope the Ombudsman’s services are not needed, its a good idea to know that theyre available, and where their office is located just in case things dont go as planned. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

How to Ace Your First Day at a New Job

How to Ace Your First Day at a New Job Image via: Don’t let this psyche you out! After all, out of an entire hiring pool, your employers decided that you were the perfect fit for the position based on your resume and their experiences in interacting with you. So keep calm and carry on. Keep reading to learn how to act on your first day at a new job. Image via: Step One: Dress to Impress Pick out an outfit the night before your first day of work. Doing so will allow you time to dig through your wardrobe and decide what would be fitting for your first day on the job. When in doubt, overdress. It’s always better to be too dressed up than not be dressed up enough. Dressing up demonstrates that you have respect for the office and your position. Think back to how the other employees were dressed when you came by for your job interview or whatever you wore to the interview and dress along those same lines. If you still aren’t completely sure what the dress code is, there is no harm in contacting the HR office to see what’s appropriate just to be on the safe side. Image via: Step Two: Timing is Everything Being timely will demonstrate to your supervisor and fellow coworkers that you’re responsible and excellent with time management. Doing so will require some practice. If you aren’t familiar with the area surrounding your new workplace, practice driving there during rush hour. You will learn quickly what time you will have to leave to get there at a reasonable time. Speaking of time, you will want to arrive somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes, but no more than 20! You don’t want to come off as overly eager. Showing up 10 to 15 minutes early will show your supervisor that you’re passionate about the position and excited to get started. Being early allows you to calm your nerves before you walk through the door as well. Image via: Step Three: Perfect Elevator Pitch An elevator pitch is a term used to describe a proposition that’s short, sweet, and to the point. It’s something that can be proposed within the length of an elevator ride. However, you’re not using it to sell anything. Practice a 30-second elevator pitch to quickly introduce yourself to your fellow coworkers, explaining who you are and what your previous work experience is. Keep it short and sweet. After all, rambling is likely to bore your coworkers and distract you from your work. Even though you’ve passed the interview process and the elevator pitch days seem long behind you, you should still brush up on those skills. When introducing yourself to others, maintain eye contact and have a firm handshake. Doing so demonstrates confidence and maturity, two things that are crucial for getting by in the workplace. Be sure to project your voice and enunciate your words very clearly. Don’t be shy! Your coworkers just want to get to know you, so be the best version of yourself. Image via: Step Four: Socialize Speaking of getting to know people, the importance of socializing in the workplace, especially on the first day, cannot be stressed enough. The best insight you can get into a work atmosphere and environment is through the eyes of people who have already worked there for some time. Be friendly and ask tons of questions. Do your best to remember names, but if you can’t remember, be patient with yourself. Jot down names and small details for you to remember in the future. If you should forget a name, apologize, but make a small, polite joke to lessen the tension and lighten the mood. Also, don’t be afraid to go the extra mile. Aim to make one friend before you clock out at the end of the day. Make yourself available to anyone who needs help. If your supervisor or your coworkers ask you to join them for lunch, go with them! Your packed lunch will forgive you. Showing interest in spending time with coworkers shows that you’re interested in the position for something bigger than a LinkedIn update or a recommendation letter. To make the best impression in the workplace, you need to get around the office and spread your kindness and professionalism all over. Image via: Step Five: Be Professional Speaking of professionalism, it’s important to retain a sense of decorum no matter how friendly you become with your supervisor and/or coworkers. Keep your phone silent and out of sight. Be ready to do anything your supervisor needs you to do at the first day of your job. It’s likely that your supervisor might hand you a difficult task on your first day as a test, so handle it professionally and calmly by asking questions and being diligent. Pay close attention when people are speaking to you in order to avoid missing important information or instructions. Take notes throughout the day to retain everything you have learned. At the end of the shift, you might think that you need to impress your supervisor by working overtime. Don’t. Go home and get some rest. You will need all of the time to reflect on your first day at your new job and prepare for day two. Good luck!

5 Benefits of Online Supplemental Education - TutorNerds

5 Benefits of Online Supplemental Education - TutorNerds Orange County Private Tutoring tips: 5 Benefits of Online Supplemental Education Students have been benefiting from online tools and education technology for the past several years but, with each new year, there are more options for students who need to participate in supplemental education services. Whether students just need a few hours of extra help to prepping for their SAT exams or several hours a week to supplement a home school program, online tutoring can help just about any student. Once students learn how to get set up with online education, they can start enjoying the flexibility and convenience of working with their favorite tutor within the comfort of their home or dorm room check out TutorNerd, our new in-home academic tutoring and test prep service. 1.   Convenient scheduling One of the fantastic things about online education and tutoring is that students and tutors have a lot more flexibility when it comes to scheduling. When working with a tutor in person, most students must schedule a minimum of one hour and their tutor may not be available at odd times of the day. However, when it comes to online tutoring, many tutors are willing to have a short 15 to 30-minute session to help a student proofread a paper last minute or help a student get started writing an outline. When both student and tutor are in their homes or home offices, scheduling is a lot easier. 2.     Work with your favorite tutor As time goes by, students may move into a different stage of their academic career. They can switch from public to a private school or from high school to college, usually meaning that they have to find a new tutor in their new geographic area. With online education, students have the opportunity to work with their tutor in a different city or even in a different time zone. It can take a lot of time to build a rapport between tutor and student and, after a while, tutors get to know a student’s specific learning style and needs. Having the flexibility of online education makes it possible for students to maintain the benefits of a good match with their supplemental educator. 3.     Utilize document sharing One of the cool things about online education is that students can easily share documents with their tutor in real time. Tutors can also loop in parents when appropriate so that everybody is on board with assignments with looming due dates. Online educators can make suggestions on a document that everybody involved can see and tutors can also see what a student is typing in real time. Document sharing makes online tutoring very similar to in-person tutoring in this respect. 4.   Multiple communication options These days there are so many different ways educators and students can communicate in a digital environment. Although options like Skype are still popular, tutors can also communicate through YouTube videos on a private channel, email, split screen technology, and so on. Students will even have the option to compile a list of questions and send it to their tutor with the quick response time similar to that of working with a TA in college. Online education is extremely convenient, but it also gives students the opportunity to take charge of their education and take responsibility for their time management and scheduling. 5.   Flexibility for parents Only tutoring also provides a great deal of flexibility for parents. If they have a younger kid, they can stay in the room and fully engage in the tutoring session, or they can move about the house after they help get their child set up with their online tutor. When older students are involved, parents might not even be in the house, allowing them to do what they need to as part of their work or domestic schedule. Parents can be exactly as involved as they want to be while still ensuring that their child is getting an excellent supplemental education. Enjoy effective, custom-tailored tutoring from the comfort and convenience of   your home with online tutoring from! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.